Đề số 8 - Đề kiểm tra 15p - Unit 3 - Tiếng Anh 9 mới

Đáp án và lời giải chi tiết Đề số 8 - Đề kiểm tra 15p - Unit 3 - Tiếng Anh 9 mới

    Đề bài

    I. Choose the best one (A, B, C or D) to complete the sentence.

    1. As children move toward .................., they are less likely to ask for advice.

    A. dependent              B. dependence            C. independent           D. independence

    2. Lan asked her teacher what requirements she .................. a monitor.

    A. needs to become    B. needed doing         C. need to do              D. needed to do

    3. We need to prepare food, do laundry and chores at home. It’s ..................

    A. social skills             B. self-care skills      C. housekeeping skills     D. cognitive skills

    4. He asked me “ ………………………?”

    A. How long have you studied English          B. How long had studied you English

    C. How long you had study English              D. How long you had studied English

    5. She asked me …………….the seat …………….or not.

    A. if – had occupied                                       C. whether – was occupied

    C. if – has been occupied                                D. whether – occupied

    6. The policeman asked us ………………...

    A. had any of us seen the accident happen

    B. if had any of us seen the accident happen

    C. whether any of us had seen the accident happen

    D. that if any of us had seen the accident happen

    7. My teacher told me that I _______attend the math course for the higher level programme that I _____ for.

    A. can’t – apply                                              B. couldn’t – apply

    C. can’t – applied                                            D. couldn’t – had applied



    II. Complete the sentences with the words from the box. Use each word once only.

    stressed           confident       worried                 embarrassed                    delighted 

    8. Bob looks depressed and ___________. He’s constantly signing and complaining.

    9. Paul was ___________when he heard his song on the radio.

    10. Mum is _______because my sister hasn’t come home yet.

    11. Phuong is _______that she will pass the examination.

    12. Peter felt ________when he was treated in front of some girls.

    Lời giải chi tiết

    Question 1. D

    Question 7. D

    Question 2. D

    Question 8. stressed

    Question 3. C

    Question 9. delighted

    Question 4. A

    Question 10. worried

    Question 5. A

    Question 11. confident

    Question 6. C

    Question 12. embarrassed

    Nguồn:' Sưu tầm


    SGK Tiếng Anh lớp 9 Mới

    Giải bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 9 mới, sách thí điểm, tất cả các kĩ năng đọc (reading), viết (writting), nghe (listening), nói (Speaking) cũng như từ vựng và ngữ pháp (Getting started), Communication, closer look...

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    Lớp 9 | Các môn học Lớp 9 | Giải bài tập, đề kiểm tra, đề thi Lớp 9 chọn lọc

    Danh sách các môn học Lớp 9 được biên soạn theo sách giáo khoa mới của bộ giáo dục đào tạo. Kèm theo lời giải sách bài tập, sách giáo khoa, đề kiểm tra 15 phút, 45 phút (1 tiết), đề thi học kì 1 và học kì 2 năm học 2024 ngắn gọn, chi tiết dễ hiểu.

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